Chris' Walkthrough
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This walkthrough will guide you through Chris' mission.
1. After listening to the incoherent ramblings of your fellow team members, go into the Dining Room and then exit through the door at the far end. Once out into Tea Room, go left and you'll be treated to a chilling FMV sequence introducing you to the Zombies. When the decaying one stands and lunges at you, leg-it out of the room and go back to the main entrance hall.

2. Pick-up Jill's Beretta and get the Ink Ribbon from the typewriter. Now go back to the first zombie and take him out with the Pistol. Once he has been successfully maimed, examine the body of your fallen comrade, Kenneth, and pick-up the Ammo Clips.

3. Go back through to the main entrance and exit through the blue double doors on the other side. Once inside the Dressing Room, move the steps in front of the statue and climb up to acquire the first floor map. Now go to the corner and push the chest out of the way to reveal a doorway, go through and kill the zombie, then grab the Ink Ribbon from the shelf and leave.

4. Return to the main entrance hall and go upstairs. Once at the halfway point, take a right (that's OUR right) and enter into the second of the two doors. Grab the Small Key from the window ledge just after you pass through the door, then proceed to walk down the small passage and through the next.

5. Once on the terrace, examine your severely-pecked and sadly departed colleague, Forest, grab the Ammo Clip and exit taking care to avoid the psychotic crows.

6. Go back out onto the landing and go across to the door on the opposite side above the dining room, and enter. There are two zombies to kill upon entry so brace yourself. Now go to the statue on the left-hand side and push it along to the gap in the railings, then nudge it over the edge and hear it shatter on the marble floor below.

7. Go down into the dining room and grab the Blue Jewel from the crumbled fragments of statue. Then go back upstairs and into the room above the dining room, and exit through the door at the far end.

8. You'll encounter three zombies inhabiting this small passageway, so either take them all out or take evasive action. Flee down the 2F left stairs and then dart into the first door you see once at the bottom.

9. This is the mansion save room and once inside you'll meet Rebecca. Grab the Sword Key from the bed and walk over to the large store box in the corner. Use this to store your Knife and Small Key, then take the Ammo Clips and save.

10. Leave the room. [NB:If you say 'no' to her request to join you, the game will be slightly smaller. If you say 'yes' you get to control Rebecca during a few key sections of the game: when Chris is poisoned, you must guide Rebecca to getting the serum, and during the Plant 42 encounter Rebecca must mix up V-Jolt.] Continue along to the end of the corridor and through the door into the 1F passage. There are more zombies to take out here so make sure you're loaded-up with ammo. Go right and duck into the small alcove on the left and enter into the tiger statue room. Use the Blue Jewel on the statue and it will rotate to reveal the Wind Crest.

11. Leave the tiger statue room and continue up the small passage and into the employee room. Grab the Ammo Clip and examine the desk. As you're doing so, the closet doors will fly open and a zombie will lunge out at you. Take him out and then grab the Keeper's Diary from the desk. There are also some Shells for the taking. Return to the mansion save room if you need to jiggle your inventory and then return to the 1F passage and exit through the door at the end.

12. You'll emerge in the tea room where you encountered the first zombie. Go left and enter the door to the left at the end. You'll now be in the bar. Walk across to the shelves in the corner opposite the door and then push them out of the way to reveal the Sheet Music. Take them to the piano and use. Unfortunately, Chris can't play a note, but luckily Rebecca dashes in on the scene to tinkle the ivories. Leave the room to let her practice and return to the dining room. Remove the Emblem from the fireplace and go to the main entrance hall to save your game.

13. Return to the bar and Rebecca will now be sufficiently good to belt out the tune and reveal a secret passage. Go inside and take the Gold Emblem, then place it with the Emblem from the dining room to prevent yourself from being locked in. Please note that you should have at least one free inventory slot when entering the secret passage.

14. Go back to the dining room and insert the Gold Emblem over the fireplace. This will cause the grandfather clock to slide across and reveal a secret stash-hole concealing the Shield Key. Grab it and return to the main entrance hall.

15. Go back through the blue double doors and unlock the door opposite your entrance. The Sword Key will now be discarded. Once you're through the door into L passage, run like the wind to reach the next door around the corner -- as there are two rabid Cerberus dogs that break through the windows to give chase.

16. Go back into the L passage and take out the first dog. Then walk up to the chest in the middle and push it out of the way to reveal an Ammo Clip. Go out of the door once again and into the passage and go through the second door on the right into the bathroom.

17. Walk up to the bathtub and select the option to drain it. Once the muddy water has completely drained away, pick-up the Small Key and leave.

18. Continue along the passage and go through the doubles doors at the end that will lead you into the back passage. There are a further two zombies to take out if you've got the time and the resources. Go to the end of the back passage and go through the door on the left.

19. You should now be inside the large gallery -- a crow-infested art gallery. (Remember, unless you attack them or mistake, the crows won't attack.) There are a series of pictures on the walls, each signifies a different stage in life. Your task here is to flick the switch on each painting in sequence going from youngest to oldest: New-born, Infant, Lively Boy, Young Man, Middle-Aged Man and Tired Old Man. Once these switches have been pushed in order, go to the last picture at the end and push the button. The picture will fall off of the wall revealing the Star Crest.

20. Go back down the back passage and go through the grey door on the left and into the 1F right stairs area. Take out the zombie and then pick-up the Green Herb under the stairs. Now go into the room under the stairs, store whatever needs to be stored, grab the other Crest if necessary and save.

21. Go back to the back passage and where before you took the left door to enter into the large gallery, go right and continue down the small passage and go through the door at the end. This will take you into the roofed passage that will ultimately lead you out into the courtyard. Take out the prowling dog and then insert both of your Crests into the appropriate holes. Retrace your steps back to the room under the stairs and grab the Chemicals.

22. Return to the 1F passage (where the tiger statue room is located), and at the very end you'll enter into the greenhouse -- you'll know it's the greenhouse because it is full of plants, one big one in particular. Walk over to the water pump in the corner and use the Chemicals. This will pollute the water and kill-off the plant in the fountain, thus allowing you to get past.

23. Grab the Armour Key from behind the fountain, and if you require health, there are loads of Red and green Herbs lying around for the taking.

24. Leave the greenhouse and proceed back down the corridor and exit through the door at the end and you should now be in 1F left stairs. Enter the first door you come to on left. Once inside the vacant room, pick up the Broken Shotgun and if you use a Small key on the desk, some Shells are up for grabs.

25. Take the Broken Shotgun back to the passage where you entered the bathroom. Walk past the bathroom and along to the end. Enter the single door on the left and then go straight through the next door into the living room. Walk over to the mantelpiece and take the shotgun -- replacing it with the broken one.

26. Return to the main entrance and enter the doorway next to the blue doors. This will take you into the dressing room. Move around the corner and blast the zombie, then use the Small Key to obtain some shotgun Shells from the drawer. Proceed down the hallway and into the wardrobe. There is a zombie on the floor so either squish his brains or avoid him. There is an Ink Ribbon and Green Herb up for grabs in this room.

27. Go back to the main entrance hall and go upstairs. Go right at the top and into the first of the two doors and into the C passage. There are two zombies to kill so get that shotgun cranked-up for action. When the zombies have been vanquished, enter into the set of double green doors.

28. This is the armour room. Carefully push the two statues over the small vents in the ground and then hit the switch situated on the floor in-between them. This will open the display cabinet on the far wall, leaving the Sun Crest up for grabs.

29. Go back out into the C passage and follow it around until you enter the last door at the end -- which leads into the small library. Collect the Botany Book from the table and exit through the opposite door. Get ready for two zombies.

30. After leaving the small library, you'll be in the 2F right stairs. Go into the door on the right halfway down the hallway and have your shotgun ready for a zombie. Go into the 2F study on the left and examine the insect display on the wall. You'll notice that there is a switch -- push it and the aquarium on the opposite side of the room will start to drain. Push the empty aquarium to the right and the push the cabinet on the adjacent wall towards it -- thus exposing a secret hidey-hole. Grab the Researcher's Will from the desk and nick the Shells.

31. Leave the 2F study and walk across to the door on the opposite side of the deer room that leads into the bedroom. Pick-up the Lighter and shotgun Shells if necessary.

32. Leave the deer room and go right down the corridor. Enter the lesson room entry and use the Lighter on the fireplace. As the fire crackles away, a map of the second floor will materialise on the panel above it -- grab it, then exit the room. Go back along the corridor to the stairs and go down to the storeroom below.

33. Stock-up on ammo and health, and then make your way back up to the C passage (make sure you still have the lighter). Go through the door you haven't yet entered which will take you through into the pillar passage. 34. Move down the passage and examine Richard -- something big has got to him, but what could it be? Take the ammo Clip from his jacket and go through the next door.

35. There is a zombie waiting just around the next corner so aim high with your shotgun to take his head off. Move up the stairs and unlock the door -- but be sure not to go in just yet. The Shield Key should now be discarded.

36. Move back down the steps and continue down the small passage that the zombie sprung from. Enter the small dining room at the end and use the Lighter to light the candles on the table. This will reveal a hidden doorway behind the cabinet. Push the cabinet to one side and grab the Shells from the small alcove room. There is also a Clip up for grabs in the small dining room.

37. Leave the small dining room and proceed back to the small flight of steps you climbed before to unlocked the door. Go through the said door and into the dark attic. After rooting around for a short while, your attention will be drawn to a disturbance in the corner... GOOD HEAVENS!

38. From out of the darkest corner slithers a snake of gigantic proportions -- and if this doesn't trigger a rectal prolapse then you're made of stronger stuff than us! Apparently, if you blast off enough hits, the snake will retreat, but with Chris armed only with a shotgun this proved rather tricky, so we thought it best to simply avoid it. Run around to the hole from which it came and grab the Moon Crest. Now quickly run back to the door before the vile creatures swallows you whole!

39. It is almost certain that the snake will have taken a chunk out of you at some point, so by the time you leave the room its poison is already welling in your veins. So powerful is this poison that you barely make it to the bottom of the steps before you collapse.

40. You awake under the watchful eye of Rebecca, who has kindly invented a serum to neutralise the poison and lugged you back to the mansion save room single handed. Once you're up on your feet, gather the remaining Crests and proceed back to the roofed passage where you placed the others.

41. You now have access to the store room and you should take the opportunity to store everything except for guns and ammo. Push the metal steps over to the shelves and pick-up the Square Crank. There is also a Small Key on one of the barrels.

42. Continue through the double doors and have you guns poised ready to take out three dogs that are roaming the courtyard. Go left and walk across to the useless elevator and obtain the garden map. Now continue back through the courtyard and exit through the metal gates.

43. Go left and move around the outside of the pool and use the Crank in the socket to drain the water. Now move back to the metal ladder leading down into the now empty pool and go down. Walk across the pool and climb up the other side. You must now run like mad to avoid the poisonous bites of the small falling snakes until you find sanctuary on the elevator.

44. Go down on the elevator to the falls and blast the pack of rabid hounds at the bottom, then go right through the gates and down the rocky path to the guardhouse -- be on the lookout for hell hounds.

45. Once inside the guardhouse, push the statue along and then to the right along the corridor. When you come to the first turning on the right -- push the statue down and position it across the hole in the ground.

46. Now go back to the first room on the right as you enter the guardhouse and enter the guardhouse save room. Store the Square Crank and save your progress if need-be.

47. Enter the door across the corridor from the guardhouse save room -- this is room 001. Kill the two zombies and enter the first door that leads you into the 001 bathroom. Drain the bathtub to reveal the Control Room Key and then explore the bedroom to find the Red Book and some Shells.

48. Store the Red Book and then go back down the passage and enter the room down just after statue you positioned. This will take you into the centre passage. Walk down and then enter the first door you come to.

49. Now you'll find yourself in beehive passage. Run down the dark passage on the left and grab the 002 Key situated beneath the beehive -- if you're quick you should be able to escape again without the bees catching up with you. Exit through the door from which you entered and then proceed to walk down the centre passage.

50. When you reach the end of the passage, room 002 will be right in front of you. Use the key to open the door and then discard it. Go into the first door which takes you into the bathroom, kill the zombie and then grab the ammo Clip if you've got the space. Go into the main bedroom and obtain the dorm map from the wall and the Plant 42 report, leave the Shells for later.

51. Push the cabinets at the back of the room to one side and then use the ladder to descend into the flooded passage. You'll need to push the three crates into the water to create a walkway -- two of which are simple but for the third you'll have to push it the opposite direction so that it overlaps the corridor, then push it back against the far wall and along into the water.

52. Go through the double doors at the end and into the water tank -- run for your life because there are some awfully big fish that are swimming around nearby. Run around the outside of the room and make a break for the control room. This is the door on the left so use the key to escape the fish and then discard it.

53. Once inside the control room, pull the lever to drain the water and then hit the button next to the door to open the arms storage next door.

54. Enter the arms storage room and grab the 003 Key and all the ammo you can carry. Once you've loaded-up on bare essentials, exit the room and dart back down the way you came -- on the way you might like to take time out to chuckle at the poor helpless fish that were snapping at your heels earlier, for now they're frantically slapping around on the concrete gasping for air (psst... we couldn't resist putting them out of their misery with a couple of quick shotgun blasts. Ha ha ha!).

55. Go into the security room directly across from where you've just been and grab the small key.

56. Head back to the ladder and back up into the guardhouse. Return to the guardhouse save room and stock-up on health and ammo and then save. When you're ready, exit the save room and then enter through the double red doors at the bottom of the corridor.

57. You'll now find yourself in the bar -- watch your back because there are two huge spiders on the prowl in this area. Run into the corner and hide behind the pool table. Now take pot-shots at the spiders as they scurry along to get you. Once they've both been splatted, get out quick to avoid coming under attack by an army of little spiders. Go straight back in again and the small spiders should have scarpered.

58. Get the ammo Clip, Ink Ribbon... oh, and whilst you're about it, go and have a look at the pool table -- you might learn something.

59. Go back to the guardhouse save room and fetch the Red Book and as much ammo and health as you can carry, then head off to beehive passage. Enter the door with the electronic keypad (using the code numbers taken from the pool table: 3, 6, 9) and look around, but don't take anything!

60. Enter room 003 which is just up from the actual beehive itself and then discard the key. Enter the bathroom on the left and blast the zombie's rapidly-deteriorating features to smithereens and then grab the ammo Clip. Proceed back into the main bedroom and get the Ink Ribbon from the desk using the small key. Walk over to the bookcase and replace the V-Jolt report with the Red Book.

61. Using the Red Book will cause the cabinet to slide and reveal a hidden door. Go inside and prepare for... PLANT 42! After a short sequence of the plant grabbing you and tossing you to one side, you'll pick up the action and have to outwit the colossal shrub. Keep close to the walls to avoid the plant's probing tentacles and then fire-off a couple of shotgun blasts whenever you get the chance. The plant is constantly spitting venomous poison so you'll have to keep moving to avoid it -- you'll know when a big gob is about to fall because a heavy stream of white goo will precede it. The best method is to move, pause and have a shot, then move again, this way the chances of you getting caught by the acid spunk are minimal.

62. When you're given control of Rebecca, go back to the Drug Storehouse, pick up the four empty bottles and get ready for a crash course in chemistry. The key to the ingredients is: UMB No.1 (water from the sink), UMB No.2 (from shelves opposite sink) and UMB No. 4 (from shelves on far side of room). Fill a bottle with 1, fill a bottle with 2 and mix both togther to produce 3. Fill a bottle with 4 and mix with 3 to make 7. Now fill a bottle with 2 and then another with 4, mix 2 and 4 to make 13. Fill a bottle with 1 and another bottle with 2, mix them for 3. And finally, mix 13 and 3 to produce V-Jolt. Now go down to the basement and into the Security room where the roots can be seen poking through the ceiling. Use the V-Jolt on the roots to make them wither. As Rebecca leaves the room, Plant 42 throws Chris to the floor and you're back in control to finish it off using the tactics outlined above (61).

63. When you finally destroy Plant 42, grab the Helmet Key from the fireplace and leave via the second door. Make your way back out of the guardhouse and along the way you'll encounter Wesker -- he'll instruct you to go back to the mansion and search through any rooms as yet unexplored... well, you heard the man, load-up on ammo and get going.

64. As soon as you go through the roofed passage and into the back passage, a FMV sequence will introduce you to a new kind of creature that followed you in from the gardens -- the Hunters. These creatures are savage killing machines that hunt on sight and you'll have to be fast to take them out. Use your shotgun to blast the first one, but keep your distance because they tend to jump at you and throw you off balance.

65. Go to the first door on the left and open it using the Helmet Key. Walk forward to the desk and switch on the light and then pick up the Doom Book. If you have the space in your inventory, grab the Magnum Rounds from the desk.

66. Leave the room and walk down a little way and go through the grey door that takes you through to the store room under the stairs. Take-out the hunter and read the note pinned to the wall behind the door. Now enter the save room, store the Magnum Rounds and Doom Book and save if you haven't done so for a while.

67. Go back to the back passage where you encountered the first hunter, then go left through the double doors. There are more hunters to take out here so be on the look-out for danger. Continue to the end of the passage and go through the wooden door.

68. LOOK OUT! The L passage where you encountered the dogs earlier on has now been taken over by two giant spiders. If you make a break for it and run to the opposite door, they shouldn't catch you.

69. Once back out into the main entrance hall, go upstairs and into the room above the dining room. There'll be two hunters in here, so take out the first one that appears on the right, then run to the door on the other side.

70. As soon as you go through the door into the 2F left stairs, there'll be a hunter right behind it. Now you can either stand and fight or leg-it to the stairs If you stand your ground, be sure to take the hunter out quickly and run forward to the stairs. If you were quick enough in killing the first hunter, the second should be parallel with you on the opposite side -- this makes your life easier to unload a couple of rounds into it, safe in the knowledge that the little git can't get at you.

71. When the hunters have been blasted, go through the door on the right at the top of the stairs and into the trophy room. Pick up the orders from the table and also collect the shotgun Shells. Push the steps in front of the fireplace and then go back to the door and turn-off the lights. Return to the fireplace and climb the steps to obtain the Red Jewel from the moose's head. If you have the space, there are also some Magnum Rounds up for grabs in this room.

72. Leave the trophy room and go down the stairs. You'll arrive just in time to see Rebecca becoming cornered by a hunter -- blast it when the opportunity arises and then enter the mansion save room and save your progress.

73 Leave the save room and walk to the end of the 1F left stairs passage. Go through the door at the end and run forwards and hide in the corner, blast the hunter as it saunters-by and then run along to the end and into the greenhouse to stock-up on health. If you've got space to spare, mix some herbs and carry them with you.

74. Leave the greenhouse and proceed back down the 1F passage and around the corner. Walk slowly up the passage towards the tiger statue room and brace yourself for an ambush. A hunter will pounce from the alcove so let him have it! Go into the tiger room and use the Red Jewel. The tiger will pivot revealing... GASP, the Colt Python. Waste no time in equipping it, and then get to work.

75. Return to the room under the stairs (near the roofed passage), stock-up with ammo and health and then go up the stairs. Take out the hunter on the left using two Colt shots and then run down to the lesson room entry (where you acquired the second floor map). Unlock the door inside and the discard the Helmet Key.

76. You'll now be in the lesson room. Walk over to the piano and touch it... Arghhh! From out of the fireplace will crawl the biggest, ugliest snake you've ever seen. Use your Colt to blast at it -- making sure to monitor your health closely (replenish it when you reach a critical level). After about 10 shots, the snake will die and smoulder to an end.

77. Walk over to the hole which the snake bashed through the floor and go down. Inside you'll find a gravestone with a switch on it. Hit it and then descend down the metal ladder.

78. Once inside the underground complex of tunnels, go right and take out the first zombie guarding the shotgun Shells. Then proceed to the far door.

79. If you're in dire need of health, go and attack the two zombies having a friend for dinner and nab the green herbs behind them, then proceed down to the next door that will take you into the kitchen.

80. In the kitchen you'll find a Small Key on the side -- add it to your inventory if you've got the space. Go down the far end and round the corner, they'll be a zombie on the ground so casually break his skull and then climb into the elevator.

81. When you get to the top in the elevator, blast the awaiting zombie and then walk past where he stood. Straight ahead of you will be a closet, go inside. Collect the Shells and if you've got enough room, grab the Battery.

82. Leave the closet and run back around to the elevator. Go past and kill the zombie, then duck into the blue double doors and get ready to shoot.

83. Get the Magnum Rounds from the desk in the corner and then walk straight down behind the bookcases. Kill the awaiting zombie and grab the scrapbook file. Go through the next door and go straight ahead.

84. You'll now come to a statue, push it enough to squeeze around and then go to the statue carving on the wall and push the red switch. Doing this will illuminate a small area in the corner. Push the statue into this highlighted area and a secret office will open.

85. Grab the MO Disk from the secret office and go back out into the main room with the double blue doors.

86. Go to the side of the room and push the bookcase to one side (away from the direction of the blue doors), and enter the secret observatory.

87. Get the Ink Ribbon and ammo Clip if you have the space, then walk over to the window and observe. Now leave via the blue double doors and go and get the Battery if you haven't already done so.

88. Go back down on the elevator and back through the kitchen. Go into the opposite corner to the one you originally entered and then you'll be treated to a cut-sequence of some monster stumbling towards the door -- don't worry too much though, it's only another zombie, blow his head off and then go through the door he sprang from.

89. Go up the steps and around the elevator to unlock the double doors. You'll now end up in the tea room (next to the bar door). There are two hunters to take out here so be prepared with plenty of ammo.

90. Proceed to the mansion storeroom and consolidate your inventory. Make sure you have the Doom Book 1 stored, and take the Battery, Square Crank and any guns with ammo. Now make your way to the roofed passage because you're going back outside!

91. Destroy the hunter that now inhabits the roofed passage, then go back outside.

92. Walk through the courtyard, across the swimming pool water path, dash past the falling snakes and back down on the elevator.

93. When you touch down, walk straight forward to the knackered elevator and use the battery to power-it-up. Go up on the new elevator and proceed back to the swimming pool. Use the Square Crank to stop the water (this is now useless to you so you can store it).

94. Get back on the new elevator and proceed back down to the lower courtyard. Walk over to the now dry waterfall and climb down the ladder behind it.

95. At this point you should be carrying loaded guns and an Ink Ribbon (which would be ideal if it only has one save space remaining).

96. Once you reach the bottom of the ladder, go straight ahead and around the corner to find a typewriter, and save your progress.

97. Now go back to the door at the bottom of the ladder. Once through, grab the flame-thrower from the wall and proceed through the left door.

98. You'll now find yourself in a large room with some sort of well in the middle. If you search you'll find a First Aid Spray and some Shells. Go down the passage to the right and through the door at the end.

99. Keep walking and you'll stumble upon a very dejected-looking Enricho. After babbling about "double crossers", the sad chap will proceed to blow his brains out. Acquire the ammo Clip from his person and leave.

100. Go back out of the door and you'll come under attack from two hunters -- they can be torched easily enough with the Flame-Thrower. Pick up the Hex Crank and exit through the next door.

101. Kill the following two hunters and dash through the next door. There'll be another hunter to kill. Once it has been blasted or barbecued, hang-up the flame-thrower by the door and leave.

102. Walk down to typewriter area and walk around the corner behind it. Go to the panel on the wall and use the Hex Crank, now walk through the door straight ahead.

103. Pick-up the Flame-Thrower and walk down to the big rock. Now run back and it will start to roll after you. Duck into the doorway to avoid being squished. Run back up to the area behind where the rock was situated to get more flame-thrower fuel. Now run down to the wall which was demolished by the rock and kill the hunters. At the end of the passage you'll see a set of double doors... enter at your peril!

104. For the big spider, simply pull out your Colt Python and blast the bugger with three shots. Before the hairy arachnid has a chance to move, it'll be reduced to a slimy heap of nothingness. Exit the room shortly after the big spider's demise to avoid the smaller spiders, then immediately re-enter.

105. Go over the heavily-webbed door on the other side of the room and either clear with your Flame-Thrower or pick-up the combat knife from the corner and use that. Go out of the door and into the room on the left.

106. Use this opportunity to save your progress if you haven't done so for a while. Also, grab the First Aid Spray and take the Hex Crank and Flame Thrower with you.

107. Exit the room and go right. Run like mad to the door at the end because poisonous snakes drop from the ceiling to hinder you. Leave the Flame-Thrower on the latch next to the door to unlock it and then go through.

108. Go upwards down the small passage and use the Hex Crank on the panel three times to access a new passage. Run up to trigger the boulder and then duck into the new passage as it passes by. Walk up to the area where the boulder was and grab the MO Disk from the nook and take the map from the wall.

109. Go into the new passage and through the door. Push the statue so that it is lined-up against the wall with the highlighted square on the floor. Now use the Hex Crank on the panel in the wall to cause a partition to come out of the wall and push the statue away. Now use the Hex Crank again to send the partition back in again. You can now push the statue over the highlighted block to trigger a secret compartment to open in the wall. Grab the Doom Book 2 from inside and leave.

110. Go back to the storeroom just off of the snake alley and store the Hex Crank. Pick-up the Doom Book 1 and store any other items that you don't need. Make sure you have at least three empty spaces before you leave the storeroom.

111. Go back through the door at the end of the passage and then go downwards through the passage you haven't yet entered. Use the elevator to move up into the fountain area. Go to the inventory screen and examine the two Doom Books. If you rotate them so that the pages are facing out of the screen and hit the B button, the books will open revealing the Wolf and Eagle Medals. Slot these into the appropriate spaces either side of the fountain and the whole thing will open up to reveal a hidden staircase that leads down into the underground laboratory.

112. Go down the steps and into the elevator. Once you've touched down, move around the corner and down the ladder.

113. You'll find a storage box here so grab any weapons with bullets and then go through the door at the end.

114. There are three zombies to take out here, so if you have the ammo then splatter their brains and duck around the corner and along to the desk in the corner. Grab the MO Disk and then go back and down the metal staircase.

115. Go through the double doors at the bottom of the stairs and then into the first door you see (private room A). Hit the red switch to turn on the lights, and then grab the Researcher's Letter. By reading it you'll acquire the login and passwords needed to unlock doors later on. Push the bookshelf to one side and then hit the blue switch to turn on the UV lights. Now look at the painting and the incomprehensible blurb that was scrawled across it before is now readable. There is an ammo Clip in the box next to the sink and also a Green Herb if you need one.

116. Leave the room and then go back out of the double doors and run straight ahead into the opposite corner of the O room and into the small lab. Switch on the computer and input the following passwords, one at a time, when you're asked: JOHN, ADA, MOLE.

117. These passwords will unlock the B2 and B3 doors. Grab the slides from the floor and leave the small lab. Now run back to the metal stairs and go up.

118. At the top of the stairs, go straight ahead and through the double doors into the conference room.

119. Use the slides on the projector to view some interesting snaps, then acquire the security system file. Open the panel on the wall and flick the switch to activate another secret panel which will open and reveal the Lab Key.

120. Go back downstairs and go to the door diagonally opposite the stairs. There are three naked zombies to take out on the way, so if you've got the ammo... treat yourself!

121. Use the Lab Key to enter the Lab and then discard the key. There'll be a zombie to kill as soon as you enter, and then another around each corner. Go straight ahead into the lab save room and get the Magnum Rounds and Green Herb -- save if necessary.

122. Make sure you're carrying one MO Disk and then leave the room. Go back out of the lab door and into the second mortuary which is the door straight on and to the right.

123. Grab the Shells and possibly the Red Herb. Move the crates so that they're positioned over the air vents on the ground, then push the metal steps in-between them to gain access to the air-conditioning system.

124. After crawling inside, you'll emerge in the morgue -- don't worry, these corpses don't come to life (unfortunately) so you're perfectly safe for now. Use the MO Disk on the terminal to get the passcode 02. Grab the Magnum Rounds from the shelf and leave.

125. Go back into the lab and seek temporary sanctuary in the save room whilst you load-up on Herbs.

126. Make sure you're carrying an MO Disk and any spare health concoctions, exit the save room and go left to the end of the passage. Enter the power maze and get ready to take out the lab monsters which are crawling around on the ceiling. Shoot them once to send them crashing back down to earth, then blast them a couple more times whilst they're standing around dumbfounded.

127. Go right after you've entered and run down into the opposite corner to the control terminal. Restore the power to the darkened areas and you're ready to roll. Go back up past the entrance and then go right to the door at the end.

128. This will take you through to maze B, watch out though because there are more lab monsters to contend with. Run straight ahead and use the MO Disk to get the passcode 03 from the terminal. Then run back and duck down the small passage and around the back to get to the next door.

129. Enter the main power room and go left. Activate the terminal to restore power to the elevator and then leave the whole maze.

130. Go back to the save room and stock up with ammo and an MO Disk, then leave the lab and run back to the metal stairs. Go through the double doors just before and enter into the room halfway down the corridor.

131. There are four naked zombies to take out once you enter so get those guns blazing -- wait until they're clumped close together to take out more than one at a time. Grab the fax from the wall and use the MO Disk on the terminal to gain the passcode 01.

132. Leave the room and continue to the end of the hall. Enter the passcodes at the door and go through. Go around the corner and walk up to the cell door to be reunited with Jill. Unfortunately, the door is locked so she'll just have to wait around for a little while longer.

133. Go back to the save room in the lab and record your progress. Once you're stocked up with guns and ammo, leave the room and go right to the elevator. As you push the button, Rebecca will come skipping up to you and sprout girlie nonsense -- you just smile and look pleased to see her.

134. When you both reach the top floor on the elevator, you'll be greeted by Wesker and the barrel of a gun -- guess what, the smooth-talking git was in on it with Umbrella right form the start and is about to bump you off. However, in good old murder mystery fashion, he'll toy with you a bit first, explaining all his dastardly plans before bumping off Rebecca. Now he'll order you into the bio lab and introduce you to his perfect creation -- TYRANT.

135. After more macho banter, Wesker will free Tyrant from his cryo-tube and set him on you like a pet -- however, Wesker didn't bank on Tyrant targeting him as his first strike, and as a result ends up looking like a tomato salad splattered all over the floor of the lab.

136. Now Tyrant turns on you. Keep running to keep out of his grasp, then whenever you're sufficiently ahead, turn and get a couple of shots in. Keep doing this and eventually he'll keel over. Phew! Use the computer terminal to unlock the door and then leave.

137. Now it's all systems go. As you leave the bio lab, Rebecca springs out on you -- the wonders of a bullet-proof jacket eh? Go down on the elevator and she'll dart off to plant a bomb to send the whole building up in smoke.

138. Save the game on your way out of the lab and collect every available health potion going. Proceed back to the double doors below the metal steps -- watch out because some lab monsters have got loose and are running around the halls. Go through the double doors and back down to the end to rescue Jill from her prison confines. 139. Grab Jill and go back out through the double doors and back upstairs. There are zombies aplenty so unload a few rounds to clear a path. Go back up the ladder and through the emergency door that is directly next to you at the top.

140. Run down the passage and listen to Brad's muffled radio message. Now grab the Battery that is lying on the ground and use it to activate the elevator.

141. Jill and Rebecca will stay back to take out more of the monsters, leaving it up to you to signal Brad and get him to fly the chopper in to rescue you. Go up in the elevator and grab the Flare from the crate next to the gate. Now walk over to the middle of the landing pad and set it off. Within seconds, Brad will emerge... however, an old friend will spring one last surprise attack to hinder your chances of escape. The return of Tyrant!

142. It is useless trying to shoot Tyrant because he is too fast. During this second and final encounter, he'll go ballistic and start charging at you and swiping with his huge talons. Keep running at all times from one side of the pad to the other, avoiding his path. Once the destruction timer counts down to about 40 seconds, Brad will drop a rocket launcher from the helicopter. Dash over and pick it up, then turn and fire at Tyrant as he rushes towards you. A huge explosion will follow and all that is left of Tyrant is a few charred limbs! Since you rescued Jill, you will now see Chris's "good" end sequence.