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In here, I'll list out a list of search engines that are useful and more Resident Evil sites. If you have any nice sites, feel free to send in and I might put them up.
Pss...The Resident Evil webiste for Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil Code Veronica X is coming up soon...

Search Engines
Googles A very nice and accurate search engine.
Lycos Not as accurate but popular still.
Yahoo! One of the very very very popular search engine. As accurate as Googles.
MSN Not very accurate but if you can't find something really hard to find, this search engine might come in handy.

More Resident Evil sites
Resident Evil 3 Nemesis The website for Resident Evil 3 Nemesis. Has almost every information on the game Resident Evil 3.
Resident Evil 2 The site which provides you with the maximum information on RE2.